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Liuzhou Junma Wood Industry Co., Ltd

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What are the benefits of eco-board closets

2019-12-31 10:12:04

ECO-BOARD, in the industry there are also a variety of names, common names are paint-free board and Melamine Board. Eco-board with the simplest words is not to do the paint of the board, is widely used in the home decoration cabinet system. So what are the benefits of eco-board closets?


Environmental protection:

High-quality products are generally used in high-temperature cold hot pressing technology, general use of Resin Glue, good viscosity, environmental protection hair, produced are E1, E0 level plate, we use more assured.


Density Board, MDF environmental protection is poor, for high temperature, wet places easy to deformation; pure wood without technical treatment, high temperature or high humidity easy to deformation cracking. Panel furniture after technical treatment, the product is more stable, not easy to deformation.

Disassembly recyclability:

Eco-board surface without paint, disassembly will not damage the board surface; for better product recovery, easy installation, can more accelerate the renovation process.

A wide variety of products:

The ecological board is especially rich in color and suitable for all kinds of decoration styles, such as new Chinese style, American style, French style, modern style, pastoral style and so on.

Rational use of plate:

With the development and progress of human being, energy consumption is very serious. eco-board is just suitable to use wood, reduce wood consumption and make ecological sustainable development.


Horse Wood Industry in Liuzhou warm tip: to Buy eco-board must be E1 or E0 class plate, do not be greedy for cheap to buy inferior eco-board; but some manufacturers in order to pursue the interests of sub-best, that's why we have to be careful when we buy lumber.

Junma Wood specializes in the research and development and production of high-end decorative plate, high-quality, high-environmental products as the carrier, using advanced technology, select the best quality raw materials, research and development and production of "Green" , "health" high-end plate, innovative Wall panel series, high-end custom furniture series of panels, widely used in the home building materials market. For the pursuit of meticulous, environmental protection, the perfect user tailored to help consumers create a healthy and comfortable living environment. In 2014, in response to the country's Belt and Road strategy, Junma group went abroad and invested in a factory in Vietnam. It currently has eight production bases in Vietnam, with excellent product quality, the production of UV ECO-PLATE has been exported to the United States and South Korea. JUNMA group takes "loyalty and responsibility" as its enterprise value, and takes Junma people as its common sense of mission in order to realize "getting rid of poverty and getting rich" . All staff of Junma group will make unremitting efforts for customers, create value for the community, provide customers with high-quality plate and intimate service, welcome to consult!



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